What's In My Water?

Epa Regulations - What's In My Water?

Hi friends. Yesterday, I found out about Epa Regulations - What's In My Water?. Which could be very helpful in my experience and you.

What's In My Water?

Threats to our drinking water are increasing due to our aging water principles infrastructure and increased pollutants invading our water sources. Because the source of our drinking water varies, the medicine it receives before arrival to our tap also varies. For these reasons, we can no longer take the safety of our drinking water for granted.

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Epa Regulations

Some of the more coarse natural sources of pollution include:

microorganisms; basal rock; nitrates and nitrites; heavy metals found in incommunicable rock that contains arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, and selenium; and fluoride. Human Activities causing pollution include: bacteria and nitrates from human and animal wastes, septic tanks and large farms; heavy metals from mining construction, and older fruit orchards; fertilizers and pesticides; commercial products and wastes from local factories, commercial plants, gas stations, dry cleaners, leaking incommunicable storehouse tanks, landfills and waste dumps; household wastes such as cleaning solvents, used motor oil, paint, paint thinner, pharmaceuticals (discarded medications flushed down the toilet); lead and copper; hormones passed into the principles straight through waste.

Most of us are well-known with problems caused by ecoli in the water or problems caused by lead poisoning, but not much is heard about problems from hormones or medications that make their way back into our drinking water. In truth, little is known about the long term effects of pharmaceutical contamination.

Hormones fed straight through the principles can originate a variety of problems. A study done in the Uk found that high concentrations of female hormones (from women using contraceptive pills) were changing the sex of roughly half of all male fish and possibly affected male fertility. Other studies have shown antidepressants can trigger premature spawning in shellfish while drugs designed to treat heart ailments block the capability of fish to repair damaged fins.

If a water provider determines that drinking water has been contaminated, they are required to forewarn their customers of any violations within 24 hours. It should be noted that in 2001, one out of every four society water systems did not conduct testing or narrative the results of testing which could lead to problems that are undetected.

The Epa uses a generalized approved for measuring contamination of our water which can put some groups in jeopardy. Children and infants, the frail and elderly, and pregnant women and their unborn babies can face a greater risk to infection. Others who are undergoing chemotherapy, living with Hiv/Aids, and transplant patients also faced an increased risk.

One contaminate that concerns me the most is nitrate. Nitrate is commonly found in fertilizer and puts infants at immediate risk when it exceeds the national approved levels. An excess of nitrate in an infants principles can cause "blue baby syndrome" which can be fatal without immediate healing attention. It has been recommended that infants, young children, nursing mothers, pregnant women and obvious elderly population use ultimate caution.

Families using well water as their former water source are not branch to regulation by the Epa and therefore face a considerably greater risk. Although a water filtration principles can be helpful, many serious problems can only be found by testing and go unnoticed.

What can you do about it? Using a home water filtration principles can help, but you will need to do your homework. There are many dissimilar types of filtration systems available and each has it's advantages and disadvantages. In June of 1998, Cnn published an narrative referencing a study done by The town for Environmental health which used 16 dissimilar brands of water filtration systems which showed that six brands produced water that exceeded the limit for lead, with two (one made by Franke Inc. Of Pennsylvania and Omni Corporation of Indiana) generated water with readings substantially higher than the limit.

If you are inspecting purchasing a home filtration principles reference on Consumers Guide (http://www.consumersearch.com/www/kitchen/water_filters/reviews.html) before going to the store. Families using well water should read "Alternative Considerations" consumer Guide (http://www.consumersearch.com/www/kitchen/water_filters/fullstory.html). A normal reference for qualities to look for can be found at World Wise(http://www.worldwise.com/watpur.html).

The same holds true for buying water. Fda's rules thoroughly exempt waters that are packaged and sold within the same state The Fda also exempts carbonated water and seltzer, and fewer than half of the states wish carbonated waters to meet their own bottled water standards. The Nrdc tested 103 brands of bottled water and the results can be viewed at overview Of Nrdcs Test Results (http://www.nrdc.org/water/drinking/bw/appa.asp)

Anyone involved about the capability of their drinking water can take call their state drinking water program or the Epa Safe Drinking Water Hotline (800 426-4791) for a list of state certified labs, or purchasing filters certified by Nsf International (800 Nsf-Mark) to remove the contaminants of extra concern to the consumer (Nsf certification is not, however, a complete warrant of safety).


(c)2004 Karen Zastudil

Sources: Water Magazine - Contaminants in Water, Epa book "Water On Tap", Water Conditioning and Purification Magazine June 2003: Volume 34, whole 6, Friends of the Earth O'Magazine., Nrdc

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